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Re: gpg 1.4.4 error... config problem?

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Hi there Alain,

On Thursday, July 20 at 03:31 PM, quoth Alain Bench:
>> upgraded my gnupg to 1.4.4 [...]
>>| gpg: fatal: unable to reopen standard input, output, or error
>    Not sure, but I would primarily suspect bad effects in or around
>stdout.reopen.patch, a recent bugfix change in GnuPG 1.4.4. The bug was
>described as nastily random. Perhaps some stealth part is still unfixed?
>Or the fix kindly provides collateral damages? Anyway this should
>probably be reported to David Shaw on gnupg-devel.

Ahh, thanks. I'll send them an email.

>> set pgp_decode_command="gpg --charset utf-8 [...]
>    Unrelated with your symptoms, but all half recent versions of GnuPG
>(since version 1.1.92 in 2002) are able to automatically infer the
>charset from the current locale. So it's generally best to let GnuPG
>free to follow this locale, not hardcoding any given value. Better no
>/--charset/ option, and no /charset/ statement in gpg.conf
>    Yes, I know that up to until last year, those options were present
>in Mutt's contrib/gpg.rc examples. Just guess who corrected this little
>mistake? ;-)

Good to know! I'll take that out.

- -- 
Nonsense. Space is blue and birds fly through it.
                                                         -- Heisenberg
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
