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Re: gpg 1.4.4 error... config problem?

Hello Kyle,

 On Sunday, July 16, 2006 at 18:06:29 -0400, Kyle Wheeler wrote:

> upgraded my gnupg to 1.4.4 [...]
>| gpg: fatal: unable to reopen standard input, output, or error

    Not sure, but I would primarily suspect bad effects in or around
stdout.reopen.patch, a recent bugfix change in GnuPG 1.4.4. The bug was
described as nastily random. Perhaps some stealth part is still unfixed?
Or the fix kindly provides collateral damages? Anyway this should
probably be reported to David Shaw on gnupg-devel.

> set pgp_decode_command="gpg --charset utf-8 [...]

    Unrelated with your symptoms, but all half recent versions of GnuPG
(since version 1.1.92 in 2002) are able to automatically infer the
charset from the current locale. So it's generally best to let GnuPG
free to follow this locale, not hardcoding any given value. Better no
/--charset/ option, and no /charset/ statement in gpg.conf

    Yes, I know that up to until last year, those options were present
in Mutt's contrib/gpg.rc examples. Just guess who corrected this little
mistake? ;-)

Bye!    Alain.
A trustdb.gpg?
See the archives for more discussion on why this should,
like hydrogen for dirigibles, be relegated to the past.
        PCC DTG on MU. © August 2004.