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Re: few questions

* Ionel Mugurel Ciobica <tgakic@xxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-07-05 11:18 +0200]:
> Hi all,


> I have a few questions to this list. I use mutt for a long time and some
> things were always bother me.
> 1. How do I attach a file which contains spaces in the name?
>    When I type the name the space triggers a beep and it is not printed.
>    I don't talk about command line (-a).

Press space (or tab) once for autocomplete and again for a browser.

> 2. How do I avoid to save files with spaces in the name, maybe replacing
>    it with underscore? I could retype the name but ms-word users sends
>    extremely long names with lots of spaces and I just don't want to
>    retype all the crap. wvWare program has a nice way of converting all
>    spaces from the names to underscore. Maybe it uses rename s/\ /_/
>    internally.

Why would you want to? You can probably do this with procmail.

> 3. Some time I wish to resend a message with some of my comments. I use
>    to do a forward and then reattach the attachments. But that can be
>    annoying, especially because of the problems with spaces in the
>    filenames. I switch on the fcc_attach, but now it is still not what I
>    want. The entire message is packed as an attachment. How do I forward
>    a message and automatically the attachments are reattached, each of
>    them as a separated attachment?

Use <resend-message> instead.

> 4. Also from ms addicted people I receive e-mails with extremely long
>    lines, which mutt nicely brake it down. But the color scheme stops
>    after a number of characters, and the rest of the line is shown
>    different. How do I increase the size of that variable?

Show us the 'color body' lines from your muttrc, so we can check your

> 5. Somehow related to 2., how do I avoid that mutt will ask me to save
>    a file with names like that: "=?iso-8859-2?Q?Invita=FEie.doc?="
>    instead of "Invita?ie.doc"

set rfc2047_parameters

> 6. I receive e-mails from Yahoo, which are written in either ISO8859-2
>    or UTF-8. But Yahoo send it as us-ascii. Then all non ascii
>    characters are shown as "?". Till now I just press e, edit the
>    message in vi(m): :1,$s/us-ascii/iso8859-2/g then I save and
>    everything is fine. But it is annoying. I know that this is not mutt
>    fault, but how can I define a macro or something to do that for me
>    just by pressing a key?

Use <edit-type>, or you could use procmail to rewrite the content-type for
those lists.

> And somehow a new question. I recently switch from Debian stable (woody)
> to Debian testing (Sarge). This upgrade my mutt to 1.5.6. The first time
> I was annoyed by the error about "alternates: unknown variable", but I
> read the manual and I change this line:
> set alternates="(user1@xxxxxxxxxxx|user2@xxxxxxxxxxx)"
> into
> alternates 
> Now I don't get the error, but mutt doesn't understand all my addresses.
> When I reply to an e-mail from me which was already a reply to someone
> else, mutt used to reply to that person, now it does to me. In the sent
> folder all the e-mail are addressed to me, not from me, etc. The only
> e-mails that are processed correctly are the one which have my user name
> in the From_ filed (and not any of my e-mail addresses).
> Correlated with that, how do I specify correctly: user@*.domain.com or 
> user@*domain.com (the dot can be a part of the star)?

I don't have 1.5.x, but afaik the format of alternates hasn't changed (i.e.,
it's still a regular expression), it's just not a 'set' variable anymore.
So, here you'd want something like

 alternates .*@.*domain\.com

and the line from above should be 

 alternates (user1@domain1\.com|user2@domain2\.com)

> Thank you for your help.

No trouble.
Joshua 'bruce' Crawford ... http://www.geocities.com/mortarn

If you're not part of the solution, be part of the problem!

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