* Julius Plenz <jp@xxxxxxx> [2004-04-17 16:28]: > To reformat the whole mail, use gg}VGgq. ...assuming you have set edit_hdrs in yout .muttrc, otherwise you'll want to use gggqG or ggVGgq. Julius -- Julius Plenz | mutt | irssi 0.8.9-1 | opera 7.23fin <jp@xxxxxxx> | cicq 4.9.12 | screen 4.0.2-2 | lftp 2.6.12-1 www.plenz.com | vim 6.2-149 | bash 2.05b-14 | elinks 0.9.1-1 | evilWM 0.99.17 | firefox 0.8-3 | gnupg 1.2.4-4