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Re: How to re-format badly formatted emails?

* Lukas Ruf <ruf@xxxxxxxxx> [2004-04-17 15:55]:
> I hope to get some ideas on how to improve my approach.  Thanks in
> advance for a fruitful discussion!

Try :se tw=70 and gqip to reformat the current paragraph. To reformat
the whole mail, use gg}VGgq.

Some other tings are interesting:

$ grep [+-]=2 .vimrc 
 map  ,>          :set tw+=2<cr>gqip
 vmap ,>     <Esc>:set tw+=2<cr>gvgqgv
 map  ,<          :set tw-=2<cr>gqip
 vmap ,<     <Esc>:set tw-=2<cr>gvgqgv

Try to figure out yourself what this does... ;)
