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Re: [Mutt] #2014: mutt quote/dequote headers too many times

#2014: mutt quote/dequote headers too many times

Comment (by vinc17):

 Replying to [comment:4 TAKAHASHI Tamotsu]:
 > In short, this problem is caused by the fact that mutt uses
 > the same decoration (color, italic, bold, or anything) for
 > both display names and addresses.

 In fact it doesn't. Double quotes can be regarded as a decoration and Mutt
 uses them when necessary.

 > If you prefer having double-quotes around _every_ display
 > name, you are against mutt's behavior rather than my patch.

 No, only when need be, i.e. when there is some ambiguity (which Mutt does
 without your patch -- but it does other things incorrectly).

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2014#comment:5>