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Re: [Mutt] #3067: PGP/MIME signatures incorrectly assigned

#3067: PGP/MIME signatures incorrectly assigned "Content-Disposition: inline"

Comment (by jmcclelland):

 > unenlightened mailers can display the signature instead of a somewhat
 meaningless attachment.

 I'm not sure an uninterpreted inline signature is more meaningful than an
 uninterpreted attachment. Without the signature being processed by gpg is
 all a bunch of gobblygook.

 > Personally I think it's too close to 1.6 to make this kind of change,
 but I'll keep the bug open for discussion. Hopefully others will chime in.

 Since I'm not really close the the development cycle of mutt - I don't
 have an opinion on ''when'' the change should be made and fully understand
 the need to make changes at the right time to avoid surprises.

 However, I do think the change proposed by jrollins is a good one. I think
 the safest change would be to make it a .muttrc controlled variable that
 defaults to inline (so if people who actually rely on the old behavior
 upgrade they won't be screwed).

 Thanks for the great work on mutt!!

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3067#comment:2>