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Re: [Mutt] #3067: PGP/MIME signatures incorrectly assigned

#3067: PGP/MIME signatures incorrectly assigned "Content-Disposition: inline"

Changes (by dkg):

  * keywords:  => openpgp mime content-disposition


 Replying to [comment:1 brendan]:
 > enlightened mailers can do the right thing, and unenlightened mailers
 can display the signature instead of a somewhat meaningless attachment.

 The trouble with this approach is that the signature itself is meaningless
 unless you have an enlightened mailer.

 So the question becomes: if you're corresponding with folks who have
 unenlightened mailers, do you want them to see a big chunk of random-
 looking gobbledy-gook?  or would you rather they see a well-defined,
 isolated attachment?  As unenlightened as some mailers can be, modern ones
 can basically all handle attachments and present them intelligibly to the
 user, even when they don't understand the content type.  For
 example], the debian lists web interface doesn't (can't) interpret OpenPGP
 signatures, but it does isolate them to separate nodes instead of
 displaying their contents inline.  This seems like reasonable behavior.
 If mutt can encourage it in other MUAs, it would be good.

 A third option not yet mentioned would be to omit the `Content-
 Disposition:` header entirely for the signature sub-part.
 [http://gnus.org my MUA] does this when it emits signed messages, and it
 seems to cause every MUA i've encountered to behave reasonably (mailers
 which don't know how to interpret the the `Content-Type: application/pgp-
 signature` isolate it to an attachment, and mailers which do know how to
 interpret it do the Right Thing).

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3067#comment:3>