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Re: [Mutt] #3025: configure check for md5 fails

#3025: configure check for md5 fails

Comment (by muttbug111):

 Hi Kyle,

 > As for re-ordering… that’s a bandaid that would help *you*, but nobody
 > else (it’s theoretically possible that a few BSD users have their own
 > md5sum programs).

 I don't use BSD (other than on firewalls behind a BUI), but md5sum is
 dominant in Unix (because it's a GNU tool), so the name shouldn't be re-
 used for something else. The test (order) is inappropriate for Linux, and
 probably any system which has GNU basics (aka coreutils) installed.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3025#comment:2>