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Re: [Mutt] #3025: configure check for md5 fails

On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Mutt wrote:

#3025: configure check for md5 fails

Comment (by muttbug111):

Hi Kyle,

> As for re-ordering… that’s a bandaid that would help *you*, but nobody
> else (it’s theoretically possible that a few BSD users have their own
> md5sum programs).

I don't use BSD (other than on firewalls behind a BUI), but md5sum is
dominant in Unix (because it's a GNU tool), so the name shouldn't be re-
used for something else. The test (order) is inappropriate for Linux, and
probably any system which has GNU basics (aka coreutils) installed.

There's probably an md5sum in one of the GNU collections, but the original
program wasn't written for the GNU project. It appears to have been released as public domain.

For example -


(there's a poor-quality wikipedia page which I won't discuss ;-)

Thomas E. Dickey