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Re: Pattern ~X no longer works?

* On 2007.02.27, in <20070227175504.GD29648@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Rocco Rutte" <pdmef@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...because it has performance issues (obviously). I don't know if 
> attachement counting uses hcache properly, but if not: add for pre-1.6. 

On hcache:

Attachment counting uses the MIME tree parser, and caches the results
in the HEADER structure during a mutt session.  These result caches
could be cached in hcache dbs, but the hcache would need to be expired
when attachments/unattachments lines change since that would affect the
counting algorithm, so we'd need some way of encoding the ruleset that
generated the caches into the db.  It could be done, though.  MD5 hash
of the sequence of attachment/unattachment rules processed would be the
naive approach, I guess.

On defaults & performance:

Actually, even invoking the attachments rules won't affect performance
by itself.  Nothing is parsed or counted until a ~X or %X is
encountered.  Compiled-in defaults wouldn't affect performance, but
they would add some complexity: since they'd need to be removable via
unattachments, they cannot be static data.  They'd have do be done with
calls to parse_attach_list() and parse_unattach_list() instead (or

It was felt previously that since applying defaults would be essentially
the same as parsing a set of default rules in Muttrc (just done by
direct C calls instead), putting the defaults into Muttrc was a good
way of setting defaults, and more easily maintained.  But if (as
Vincent says) upgrade paths make this a problem, then defaults could be
installed as above.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago