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Re: For 1.5.9: menu_move_off (was: Change in behavior <current-middle>)

 On Friday, March 25, 2005 at 5:21:54 PM +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:

> Thanks for your testing and detailed information!

    I'm more than happy to help a little! :-)

> Does [patch-1.5.9.tamo.menu_pageup.1] fix them with no problem?

    Thanks! It fixes everything previously reported, and now menu
behaviour in my humble is very near perfection: Page jumps work real
with 0 context, cursor fixed altitude during jumps seems the sensiblest,
<current-{top,middle,bottom}> work at best, scrolls and jumps are
coherant with and without $menu_scroll, <{previous,next}-line work, very
big $menu_context works stably... Very good. But:

 · <half-{up,down}> act broken: Do <first-entry> and move cursor down 34
times with <next-entry> until you scroll 8 lines: You see 9-42 with
cursor on #35. Do a <half-up>, you should see 1-34. But you see 8-41.
Repeat <half-up> many times: You still see 8-41.

 · Amount of lines jumped by <half-{up,down}> is not constant 17, but
random between 10 and 17 in my 34 lines 7 context example.

 · Probably we need a menu context for page jumps setting, with 0 lines
as default. Or is it bloat? As a user my humble is 0 is fine: No setting
needed. Others?

 · <{top,bottom}-page> trigger menu scrolling by $menu_context lines,
which is surprising. Better ideas?

 · When we add a new feature and an option to trigger it, the default
should be the old behaviour, unless there is a huge benefit or security
reason to do otherwise. New behaviour beeing just better, that's not
enough to change default. Right? So probably $menu_move_off should be on
by default.

Bye!    Alain.
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