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Re: 1.5.7 BUG: character set in traditional PGP

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Dan Ohnesorg wrote:
> I have tried your patch against current CVS nad I get:
> gpg: processing message failed: eof
> so I don't know if it works or not ;-)
> Becouse someone reported this problem with current version even without the
> patch.

I can't reproduce it.
But I had another bug.

+       if (mutt_strncmp ("Charset: ", buf, 9) == 0)
+       {
+         char *end = strchr (buf + 9, '\n');
+         if (end)
+           gpgcharset = mutt_substrdup (buf + 9, end - 1);
+       }

was wrong.

+       if (mutt_strncmp ("Charset: ", buf, 9) == 0)
+         gpgcharset = mutt_substrdup (buf + 9, NULL);

works for me.
I'm not familiar with fgets() at all. ;)
