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Re: 1.5.7 BUG: character set in traditional PGP

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:33:55 +0100, Dan Ohnesorg said:

> I am not sure where the problem is. If the gpg should parse charset header
> and shloud recode the text into UTF expected by mutt, or if mutt shlould
> take care about it.

Except for end of line conversions in text mode, gpg views the signed
or encrypted data as opaque.  In theory we could look at the armor
headers but we don't want to do that.  One reason is that the
conversion of the data according to the armor header lines may change
the text in an unwanted way (cf. recent IDN based phishing attack) and
those armor headers are not part of the signed data, so everyone may
change it without gpg noticing it.

