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Re: 1.5.7 BUG: character set in traditional PGP

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> The problem here is that OpenPGP specifies text as being utf-8.
> That's what mutt expects to come out of PGP when it decrypts.
> The lesson: When combining Umlauts and PGP, please use PGP/MIME.

I don't care for any lessons.

The sender has properly declared the character set for traditional PGP
(i. e. as MIME header, as shown), I told mutt to decode traditional PGP,
so the assumption "UTF-8" as though the input had been OpenPGP,
PGP/MIME, whatever, is bogus: mutt needs to tell GnuPG "pass through
unchanged" and then use the character set from the mime Content-Type

I don't know mutt code enough but I wonder if
pgp_check_traditional_one_body would have to copy over character set
information to defeat the bogus "GnuPG decrypt yields UTF-8" assumption.

NB: Gnus and Enigmail (for Mozilla and Mozilla Thunderbird) get this
right, so should mutt.

Perhaps the concept of internally treating traditional the same as
OpenPGP PGP/MIME whatever doesn't fly, or it's a simple omission in the
implementation; your call -- I cannot state eitehr, never having read
the OpenPGP RFCs (1991 and the other you mentioned).

Kind regards,