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Re: 1.5.7 BUG: character set in traditional PGP

Dne Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 06:53:06PM +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi napsal:

> about "Charset" armor header key.
> So, Dan Ohnesorg's request turned out to be quite reasonable.
> Maybe Mutt should allow users to use it with an option.
> Though it must be unset by default (because the header is
> not signed, as Werner said.)
> Will it be in the CVS if I write a patch which implements
> an option to let users rely on "Charset" header?
> If not, I won't write it. ;)

I have tried your patch against current CVS nad I get:

gpg: processing message failed: eof

so I don't know if it works or not ;-)

Becouse someone reported this problem with current version even without the
