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Re: Mutt Next Generation

On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 06:09:08PM +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:00:02 -0500, John Franklin said:
> > I want one fewer program to configure to do a basic task: e-mail.  I want
> > common things to be trivial.  I want mutt to manage the passwords.
> You need to configure it anyway, whether to do that in muttrc or an
> mta-rc doesn't actually matter.  Both will need the same information
> and mutt might come preconfigure for exactly that one tool.

I'd rather be in fewer config files, rather than more.

> > well by linking in an SMTP library.  No SMTP code would be in mutt per 
> > se, it would be in the SMTP library.
> Putting up everything in libraries is not a good approach and only
> dictated by the sheer amount of code GUI tend to have.  Designing and
> implementing a proper library is far more expensive than writing a

The library is already written.  The cost of creation has been paid.  The
patch is even written.

> simple tool.  Unix systems have one well defined security boundary:
> the process; glueing everything into libraries circumvents this.

What do you secure by calling a separate binary to deliver the mail? 
What's being protected?  Do you think libesmtp is going to pollute 
mutt's data space in some way that ssmtp would prevent?

> > Claims of UNIXy are nice, but will that be a consolation when mutt get 
> > forked?  There is a crying need for this feature (see the others on this 
> It is a need of user not understanding the principles of Unix. If they

You're referring to the Rule of Modularity: "Write simple parts connected 
by clean interfaces."  (http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html)

I would argue that libraries are as good a module as programs.
Programs have the advantage of using a shell and pipe to string
together multiple tools to achieve a result.  Here, a shared library
is quite sufficient.

> don't want that they should use one of the other MUA which have not
> been designed with that in mind but what user running Windows are used
> too.  I don't say that those MUAs are bad; they are just in another
> category and designed for different people than for the average Mutt
> user.

And mutt-ng will be one of them, all over a medium-sized, yet
still pretty simple patch [1] that includes support for conditional 
compilation into the program. 

Mutt shouldn't make this a point of pride.  It can't win anything
by doing so.

> > The patch is UNIXy in its own way.  Mutt is good at managing e-mail.  
> > libESMTP is good at delivering e-mail to a server.  They're 
> This introduces a lot of library dependencies out of your control: A
> short guess: db4, gnutls, gcrypt, ldap.  Depending on your
> desitribution.

It adds exactly one library dependency on FC3: libpthread. [2]  Two 
if you count libesmtp.so itself.

> > process, use a library call.  The library has function parameters as 
> > its API.  The process has command line options.  What's the difference?
> There is a huge difference. Keeping the API of a tool compatible is a
> well understood task and manageable even by beginners.  Keeping a
> library API and here also the ABI compatible is a major problem and
> not well understood by the majority of developers.

Command line flag incompatibilities and missing applications cannot be 
checked at either compile or load time.  Library API/ABIs can.  
Library ABIs don't (typically) break within a major version number.  
Statically linking the application eliminates all shared library 
incompatibilities, of course.

API/ABI changes are a programming nuisance, not a major problem.  No one
would use shared libraries if managing them were such an issue.  Mutt
already does it with thirteen shared libraries.  Really, we've got a
handle on it.

New programs can change their command line arguments as easily as new
libraries can change their APIs.  Neither do so without good reason,
and usually with a major number bump.

> Salam-Shalom,


[1] Medium sized patch, most of it being mutt_libesmtp.[ch].
[franklin@artie:/home/franklin]% diffstat Desktop/patch-1.5.3.sde.libesmtp.3 
 Makefile.am     |    6 -
 configure.in    |   13 +++
 globals.h       |    6 +
 init.h          |   37 ++++++++-
 m4/libesmtp.m4  |   63 +++++++++++++++
 main.c          |    6 +
 mutt_libesmtp.c |  228 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mutt_libesmtp.h |   10 ++
 protos.h        |    2 
 send.c          |    2 
 sendlib.c       |   21 ++++-
 11 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
[2] System is Fedora Core 3.
[franklin@artie:/home/franklin]% ldd /usr/lib/libesmtp.so
        libssl.so.4 => /lib/libssl.so.4 (0x00760000)
        libcrypto.so.4 => /lib/libcrypto.so.4 (0x00424000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 (0x001a7000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00826000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0x001b9000)
        libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (0x00111000)
        libkrb5.so.3 => /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 (0x00125000)
        libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2 (0x0018a000)
        libk5crypto.so.3 => /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x00aad000)
        libresolv.so.2 => /lib/libresolv.so.2 (0x0018d000)
        libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0x002e3000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00375000)
[franklin@artie:/home/franklin]% ldd /usr/bin/mutt
        libncursesw.so.5 => /usr/lib/libncursesw.so.5 (0x00a22000)
        libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (0x003c8000)
        libkrb5.so.3 => /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 (0x00520000)
        libk5crypto.so.3 => /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x00faa000)
        libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2 (0x0032a000)
        libresolv.so.2 => /lib/libresolv.so.2 (0x00111000)
        libssl.so.4 => /lib/libssl.so.4 (0x00392000)
        libcrypto.so.4 => /lib/libcrypto.so.4 (0x0012e000)
        libsasl2.so.2 => /usr/lib/libsasl2.so.2 (0x00216000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0x003dc000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00125000)
        libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0x00638000)
        libcrypt.so.1 => /lib/libcrypt.so.1 (0x007e2000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00686000)
[franklin@artie:/home/franklin]% mutt -v
Mutt 1.4.1i (2003-03-19)
Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

John Franklin
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

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