Re: We need unbind function (was Re: [PATCHES] awaiting...)
* On 2004.05.27, in <20040528044545.GM22398@xxxxxxx>,
* "David Yitzchak Cohen" <lists+mutt_devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Now I remember why I didn't campaign for it back when it was posted.
> I should've looked back at the original thread discussion before making
> my last post :-(
I don't think you were on the list when it was posted (Sept. 2001),
actually. Or you were quieter then, anyway. :)
> I'll volunteer to redo the patch to actually UNbind keys if I'm gonna
> have some running mates in the campaign for CVS :-)
The part that needs attention is at line 319 of the patch. It's
km_bindkey (key, menu, OP_NULL);
It would need to be changed to something (probably to a new function)
that walks through Keymaps[menu] looking for and removing a match.
You'll need some double-pointer magic in case the matching binding is
the first entry in the map.
-D. dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx NSIT::ENSS
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