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Re: We need unbind function (was Re: [PATCHES] awaiting...)

Hi Tamo!

 On Monday, May 24, 2004 at 6:53:02 AM +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:

> The manual says that "The special function noop unbinds the specified
> key sequence." And it DOES NOT say "noop for index disables an entry
> from generic in index menu." So, I think "noop" should not disable,
> but unbind, keys.

    You seem to call "unbind" the /rebind to generic/ operation, and
"disable" what I'd call /unbind to unbound/.

    The current behaviour (unbind to unbound) seems to me consistent
with the manual: A key you unbind then press does « Key is not bound. »
error, not some generic operation.

    Also consistent with command syntax: "bind map key noop" binds noop
to the key, and noop means "no operation", not back to whichever generic
operation. And "bind generic key noop" confirms this scheme.

> bug#1880 is really a bug.

    I see #1880 as a misunderstanding of the intended and documented
behaviour, not as a bug. I would have closed it, but am surprised you
are 3 to think the contrary (Pawel, you, and Dave). So I hesitate.

 On Monday, May 24, 2004 at 10:30:01 AM +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:

> If you want to disable "f" key, you can do:
>       macro index f <0>
> while <0> key is not bound to any function on index by default.

    Already proposed, has drawbacks.

> solutions we can choose

    In last December, Final Approved Consensus(1) was:

| wish (unbind to generic) seems legitimate, but not as a replacement of
| current behaviour (unbind to unbound).

    IMHO we should not change the noop behaviour, to not unnecessarilly
break existing muttrcs. So manual needs more precision. The added new
unbind to generic feature would need another command. Perhaps "unbind"
or something as "bind map key generic". The behaviour of special case
when map == generic has to be defined (Error? Do nothing? Bind noop?)
and documented.

> Include dgc's excellent "unbind" patch. (This provides the most
> intuitive UI (and many changes))

    What does it do? Why was it rejected?

Bye!    Alain.
(1) The Novlang for "Alain said".