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Re: [OT] Don't Ask; Don't Tell (was: Re: ignore-thread inital patch)

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 11:48:58AM -0600, David Champion wrote:
> * On 2003.12.15, in <20031215123437.GI21722@xxxxxxx>,
> *     "David Yitzchak Cohen" <lists+mutt_devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > It's easier to just tell procmail to ignore me.  Will somebody please
> > post his config here for the benefit of this li'l chap here?
> It doesn't work that way.

Procmail works ... I use it every day ;-P

If your procmail refuses to block me ("I think I love Dave" says it),
you can always block me with sendmail (addy rewriting rulesets == really
powerful), which I assure you hates my guts ;-/

> I don't generally want to see anything you
> write, up to the point where it becomes historically relevant to
> something interesting that someone else wrote.

Nope, I suppose procmail isn't that good at figuring _that_ out all on
its own.  I try to use [OT] whenever I take a thread off-topic, but a
quick examination of the archives will readily reveal that I kinda suck
at that kinda stuff.  (Hey, ELM doesn't thread, so I have an excuse. . .)

> And you have a talent
> for drawing people I'd usually be happy reading into your spiralling
> descents into irrelevance,

I'll take that as a complement :-)

> so I want to ignore them in those cases, too:
> but only in those cases.

Well, you can setup a irrelevand-message-its file, and tell procmail to
block anything "References:"ing a message ID in that file ... shouldn't
be too hard.  (You can even setup a tiny macro in Mutt to do the work
for you.)  The only problem with this approach is that it won't kill
stuff already in your box that procmail would otherwise delete.

> Threading remains the best way of doing this.

Ah, so THAT's why he was so happy about that ignore-thread patch.  Damn,
I'm slow :-(

> P.S. Sarcastic condescension

Did I sound condescending?  I didn't think so. . .

> is quite unbecoming when you're the one
> people want to ignore,

If people feel that I'm not worth hearing, it's trivial to block anything
from me, and everything replying to anything from me, if you want to go
that far.  Procmail can do it easily, and a bit of scripting allows you
to do it directly with sendmail alone.  If enough people feel the same
way, you can always petition to have me removed from the list.  (If I'm
ousted, I won't come back as a million different addys and SPAM the list;
I'll just come back with one addy so I can keep reading the list without
having to go to the stupid web-based archives, and refrain from posting.)

> and your reasoning is flawed to boot.

what reasoning?  I mean, the reasoning behind what?

> You might
> recall this principle in action earlier,

what principle???

> one of the other times that you
> were wrong in public.

I'm wrong in public?  Seriously, what's the last time you remember me
being wrong in public (not counting AT&T VI - that one's still fresh
in everybody's mind) without looking at the archives?  (Looking in the
archives is no fair ... come on. . .)

> Better just to take the criticism and respect the
> fact that people aren't interested.

I take the criticism (much of which, I must admit, is often rather
well-founded) ... but what's wrong with dishing out some of my own
in return?  I'm sure my countercriticism is in general no more boring
than the original criticism levied at me ;-P

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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