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ignore-thread inital patch


The inital 'ignore-thread' patch (Version 0.0.1)

The patch is poorly tested but the risc of demaging
anything is low because the only permanent change is
made in storing a flag in the X-Status header in 
a well-tested manner (as the 'replied' flag for example).

I didn't find a easy-to-use way to handle high volume 
mailing-lists with only less interesting threads. 
Deleting is not a solution because follow-ups for
this thread are not blockt nor marked.
So i tried to do this by coding a 'ignore-thread'
feature as i know from news-readers.
The ignored threads are collapsed, new messages
for this thread are also marked ignored and the
threads are ignored in many functions.
If the thread is old enough so that no follow-ups are
expecet one could delete it.


This patch adds the 'ignore-thread' feature to mutt.
It only has affects if the sort-order is 'thread'.

- A 'ignore-thread' function is added. It has no default 
  keybinding. It is available in index- and pager-mode.
- When opening a mailbox all threads marked 'ignore-thread'
  are automatically collapsed. (done by mutt_sort_headers)
- If in a thread a message is marked 'ignore-thread' all
  other messages of this thread are marked too.
  (done by mutt_sort_threads)

- If invoked the whole thread is marked 'ignore-thread'.
  and the thread is collapsed. It is a toggle-function
  and if it is invoked again the flag is removed and
  the thread is uncollapsed.

- While a thread is marked 'ignore-thread' and it is collapsed
  the thread:
  - is not automatically uncollapsed in pager-mode even if
    there are unread or new messages.
  - is ignored from the jump to the next/previos new/unread 
  - is not uncollapsed by the 'uncollapse all' function and 
    the 'uncollapse all' function cannot start on a thread
    marked 'ignore-thread'. 
    Collapse/uncollapse on a individual thread works as usual.

- The 'ignore-thread' status is shown by the following indicators:
  'i': message is read (if collapsed: all messages are read)
  'I': message is new or unread (if collapsed: one or more
       unread or new messages exist in the thread)

- The 'ignore-thread' status is made permanent by adding a
  'I' flag to the 'X-Status' header. 
  (I didn't find any standards for the use of the X-Status
  header. Maybe the char 'I' is reserved for another usage,
  so every other char is possible. Maybe the X-Status header
  is the wrong place, so a 'X-Mutt-ignore-thread' header
  would do the work too.)

Because the ignored threads are collapsed as often as possible
the collapse/uncollapse function is added to the pager-mode.


I hope the patch is usefull for mutt-users espacially 
for mailing-list users.

* --- *

double-sorry for my first posting where i posted
1) with wrong sender-adress
2) the patch instead of a link

i hope the second try will be better.

you can download the patch (only 15 k) from


gerhard oettl