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Re: authenticated smtp problems

> > They require authenticating smtp with ssl,
> There's multiple ways of doing that. Are they any more specific?

No, unfortunately.

> Before we get into this, let me explain the basic options here. There 
> are three different protocol-level variations on basic SMTP service: 
> SMTP, SMTPS, and Submission. The first, plain old SMTP on port 25, is 
> unencrypted. Some (many, these days) servers support the STARTTLS 
> command, which allows the connection to be encrypted AFTER it has been 
> established. The second, SMTPS, is encrypted from the very first 
> packet. As SMTP is supposed to be on port 25, SMTPS is supposed to be 
> on port 465. There is no unencrypted version of SMTPS; it's *always* 
> encrypted. The third, Submission, is virtually identical to SMTP, 
> except that you must authenticate yourself (in a manner identical to 
> SMTP-AUTH) before you can submit email. It is ALSO unencrypted, and 
> ALSO usually supports the STARTTLS command to begin encrypting the 
> connection after it has been established. Because it is so similar, 
> this is almost always handled by telling the sending application to 
> use SMTP on an alternate port (namely, the Submission port, 587).
> Generally speaking, SMTP clients detect the availability of the 
> STARTTLS command and opportunistically use it; that applies to both 
> SMTP and Submission, since they're so similar.

Thanks, this is helpful.

> Your alternative is to use the Submission protocol? 

I don't know what my alternatives are (or, didn't until you just explained the 
three flavors of SMTP-ing). 

> ... let me guess, you told mutt to use SMTPS on the Submission
> port, rather than telling mutt to use SMTP on the Submission
> port.

Indeed I did tell mutt to do that (unknowingly).

> > SSL failed: error:140770FC:SSL 
> > routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol 
> > Connected to new.domain.com:587 on fd=-1 mutt_socket_close:
> > Attempt to close closed connection.
> Looks like I guessed right. Your mistake was to use this:
>      set smtp_url=smtps://new.domain.com:587
> That tells mutt to use SMTPS on port 587. Since that means mutt 
> expects the very first packet to be encrypted, and the very first 
> packet WASN'T encrypted, the "connection" failed. If you had done 
> this:
>      set smtp_url=smtp://new.domain:587
> ...it probably would have worked. Your mistake is assuming that 
> "smtps://" means encryption and that "smtp://" means no encryption. In 
> reality, "smtps://" means the SMTPS protocol and "smtp://" means the 
> SMTP (or Submission) protocol.
> Does that make sense?

Yes, it does, thanks.  I did in fact assume that "smtps" means
"secure" and "smtp" means "non-secure".  (Being brought up
with GUI apps that have just one checkbox for "authenticate" or
"secure" or "SSL" one can easily think this is an either-or scenario).

> > I even tried reverting to msmtp, but couldn't get that to work at 
> > all. Msmtp would tell me that the server doesn't understand TLS,
> Interesting. Am I correct in assuming that msmtp is connecting to port 
> 25?

I got that with both port 587 and whichever port msmtp uses by default.

> > I cannot tell if this is a bug in the new system, in mutt, or with 
> > my setup.
> It's most likely a problem with your setup. To recap, try this:

As expected :)

>      set smtp_url=smtp://new.domain.com:587

This seems to work so far.  Many, many, many thanks.

> I'm assuming that you're handling the smtp username and password 
> elsewhere (e.g. via smtp_user); otherwise, you'll need to set that up 
> as well.

smtp_user is not in the manual for 1.5.19hg, and mutt tells me
"unknown variable" when I start mutt if I have an smtp_user in my
muttrc.  I had put it in the muttrc, before I even read your
email, because something in the back of my mind was telling me
that such a setting existed (probably it did but has been
removed).  I'd been doing stmp_url=user@xxxxxxxxx to get the user in there.