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Re: newbie install

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On Sunday, February 15 at 06:41 PM, quoth James Freer:
>a] re: exim I don't think so! On my main PC [as opposed to my test PC
>which is where i'm trying out mutt first] Exim is a DEFAULT install.
>From synaptic mutt installs without any dependencies which i was
>surprised at. Why the default install? i don't know - i wondered if it
>was for evolution [the default email client but doesn't seem to be].

I think exim is part of the default install for historical reasons. 
Some older pieces of unix software assume that there is a queueing 
sendmail program available, and so exim is there to support them.

>b] As i'm still trying to learn from much reading - what is the
>difference between?
>sssmtp [simple solution includes SSL]
>nbsmtp ['no-brainer' includes SSL
>esmtp [poor documentation not SSL
>msmtp [supports multiple accounts and SSL]

Not a clue; but I'd either recommend using mutt's built-in smtp 
support OR msmtp (because msmtp was designed specifically for mutt 
users, and like you said, supports multiple accounts).

>None of these will support queuing from what i can gather.

Indeed; if you want a queue, try something like nullmailer 

>As i'm intending to use gmail SSL is required... i don't know but i 
>gathered that emails can be lost without SSL e.g yahoo only use port 
>110 and 25.

Email, due to spammers, has gotten more finicky, yes.

>c] As i want to filter email to subject directories [maildir] i need
>to use postfix or maildrop. For a newbie the Postfix seems easier to
>set up or i can't find a decent doc on maildrop.

You mean procmail, not postfix, right? Procmail *APPEARS* easier, but 
has some massive problems with error handling (see 
http://www.memoryhole.net/kyle/2008/06/i_hate_procmail.html). Not that 
they can't be worked around, it's just a pain, and easy to 
accidentally lose email.

For maildrop documentation, have you checked out 
http://www.courier-mta.org/maildropex.html ?

- -- 
No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people 
on your side that you wish were on the other.
                                                      -- Jascha Heifetz
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
