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Re: Mutt with IMAP not checking (subscribed) folders

Almost a week gone by and nobody picked this mail up. 

Am I asking the wrong list? Is there some error so obvious nobody even thinks
its worth to answer?



* Patrick Ben Koetter <p@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I am having problems getting mutt [Mutt 1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11) with
> patches from Ubuntu] to check all subscribed subfolders of my IMAP INBOX.
> The problem might stem from my configuration. All I could find reading various
> documentation was this:
> set imap_user='username'
> set imap_pass='password'
> set imap_authenticators='plain'
> set spoolfile=imap://mail.state-of-mind.de/INBOX
> set folder=imap://mail.state-of-mind.de/INBOX
> set imap_list_subscribed=yes
> set imap_check_subscribed=yes
> The last option should give me exactly what I want i.e. check for new mail in
> subscribed folders only. Alas it doesn't seem to work on my system.
> The subfolder INBOX.ml.spamassassin is curently subscribed as the query for
> subscribed folders (LSUB "" "*") showed:
> * LSUB (\Marked \HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.ml.spamassassin"
> And there was new mail, as a test using mutt locally accessing the mailspool
> directly showed. But... my mutt using IMAP did not take note of it. I have the
> following check intervalls:
> # Timeouts
> set mail_check=15
> set timeout=15
> So I guess, I should see new mail after 30 seconds at least.
> What am I doing wrong?
> p@rick
> -- 
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> saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):
> <http://postfix.state-of-mind.de/patrick.koetter/saslfinger/>

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