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Mutt with IMAP not checking (subscribed) folders

I am having problems getting mutt [Mutt 1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11) with
patches from Ubuntu] to check all subscribed subfolders of my IMAP INBOX.

The problem might stem from my configuration. All I could find reading various
documentation was this:

set imap_user='username'
set imap_pass='password'
set imap_authenticators='plain'
set spoolfile=imap://mail.state-of-mind.de/INBOX
set folder=imap://mail.state-of-mind.de/INBOX
set imap_list_subscribed=yes
set imap_check_subscribed=yes

The last option should give me exactly what I want i.e. check for new mail in
subscribed folders only. Alas it doesn't seem to work on my system.

The subfolder INBOX.ml.spamassassin is curently subscribed as the query for
subscribed folders (LSUB "" "*") showed:

* LSUB (\Marked \HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.ml.spamassassin"

And there was new mail, as a test using mutt locally accessing the mailspool
directly showed. But... my mutt using IMAP did not take note of it. I have the
following check intervalls:

# Timeouts
set mail_check=15
set timeout=15

So I guess, I should see new mail after 30 seconds at least.

What am I doing wrong?


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