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mutt configuration: problem with getting mail

Hi all,
i am new to mutt and am trying to configure it for the first time. I've tried
setting up exim, getmail, procmail and mutt. When i send a mail, it reaches the
destination alright, but i have problem receiving mails on my machine.

Right now, there are 582 messages in my INBOX. When i try to invoke getmail
using 'G' (as configured in my .muttrc), it shows

  msg 1/582 (71943 bytes) delivered

  msg 581/582 (3410 bytes) delivered
  msg 582/582 (3411 bytes) delivered

But when i check in my inbox, there are only 417 messages. They are not getting
updated beyond that. If i do 'ls ~/mail/inbox/cur | wc -l' that again shows 417
messages. Why are the other messages not being delivered?

Thanks for your help


Following is my ~/.getmail/getmailrc

type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server = mbu.iisc.ernet.in
username = arvind
password = mailpassword
move_on_delete = mail.deleted

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/bin/procmail

And following is my ~/.muttrc

set realname="Arvind Marathe"
set from="Arvind Marathe <arvind@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
set mbox_type=maildir
set mbox="~/mail/inbox/"
set spoolfile="~/mail/inbox/"
set folder="~/mail/"
set record="~/mail/sent/"

set sort=threads
set sort_aux=last-date-received

set include=yes

macro index    G "!getmail\n"   "Invoke getmail"
macro pager    G "!getmail\n"   "Invoke getmail"


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