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Re: 3 questions: Renaming folders with hook + browser reverse date

On 2007-08-19, Vim Visual <vim.unix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Use 'sort' instead of 'sort-browser'.
> set sort=reverse-date ?
> doesn't work either... I get the threads:
>  288 r + Aug 17 Woodchuck       ( 795) Calvin II
>  289 r + Aug 17 Woodchuck       (  48) +-+->
>  290   + Aug 17 Woodchuck       (  20)   | +->
>  291 r + Aug 17 Woodchuck       (  11)   +->
>  292   + Aug 17 Woodchuck       (  49)     +->
>  293   + Aug 18 Woodchuck       (  49)       +->

   :set sort=reverse-date-received

The possible values are listed in this section of the manual:

   3.269. sort

      Type: sort order
      Default: date

      Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu. Valid values 

      date or date-sent
      mailbox-order (unsorted)

      You may optionally use the reverse- prefix to specify reverse 
      sorting order (example: set sort=reverse-date-sent).

Another way to find the 'sort' value is to type the 'o' or 'O' 
commands, choose the sort order that appeals to you, then execute

   :set ?sort

to see the value you'd need to put in your muttrc.

That being said, if you executed "set sort=reverse-date", you should 
not have seen messages sorted by threads.  Perhaps 'sort' is also 
being set by a hook?

> > > macro index <F5>  'c ~/mail/inbox      ^M'
> > >
> > > doesn't work any more, with Mutt 1.5.16 (2007-06-09). It worked under
> > > fedora5 with Mutt 1.4.1i (2003-03-19)
> >
> > You didn't say what "doesn't work" means,
> doesn't work = when I press F5 mutt doesn't react at all; no error
> message wahtsoever and, of course, I do not get to inbox.
> > termcap or terminfo data being used by mutt to determine the
> > character sequence to send for <F5> is missing or not correct for
> > the terminal you are using.  Check that your $TERM environment
> > variable is correct.  Then execute
> >
> >    infocmp -1 | grep kf5
> >
> > to see what character sequence, if any, is defined for <F5>. ("-1"
> > is "minus one", not "minus ell".)
> F5 is not missing. In my vimrc I have
> map <F5> mx{v}gq'x
> and using it works as a charm.
> Nevertheless,
> elachistos|  infocmp -1 | grep kf5
>         kf5=\E[15~,
> and I used that in muttrc to redefine it and didn't work either...
> Choosing other character, like "5" or "P" doesn't work either.

You're saying that you used one of those characters to define the 
macro, like this?

   macro index P  'c ~/mail/inbox      ^M'

And that didn't work either?  Did you define the macro at mutt's 
command line or just in your muttrc?  I just tried that macro by 
defining it at my command line and it worked fine.  (I changed the 
folder name to one I had.)  Is it possible that your muttrc file is 
not being read?

> By the way,
> elachistos| echo $TERM
> xterm-xfree86
> This is set so because it solved a lot of problems I had in mutt
> reconising the defined colours

You had these problems while you were using Fedora or only after 
moving to OpenBSD?  Did you have problems with vim's colors at the 
same time?

I'm sorry I'm giving you more questions than answers.  I'm just not 
making any sense yet of what you're observing.
