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Re: How to organize mail in folders?

On 2007-07-20, Kai Grossjohann <kai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > >   - Want to have an overview of messages that still need action of some
> > >     type.
> > 
> > ???
> I get a message.  It could be something I read and then delete.  Or it
> could be something that I read and then archive.  Or I respond right
> away and then delete or archive.
> These cases are easy.
> Then there are messages that mean I need to do something, but I need
> longer to do them.  Or I need to get feedback from somewhere.  Or
> whatever.  My memory is quite bad, so I like to have the computer store
> a list of these open ends so I don't have to remember them.

I use mutt's 'important' flag (toggled with the 'F' key) for that.  
Flagged messages are indicated by a '!' in the index menu and just 
those messages can be displayed using the limit function:


I also use the "Expires:" header to tag messages whose lifetime is 
limited.  This doesn't help me remember things that need to be done, 
but allows me to identify and delete or move messages that are no 
longer important, such as meeting reminders.  See


for more about this.
