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Re: smtp_url info

On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 12:50:54PM +0000, dfeustel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Has anyone got smtp email in mutt actually working?

Yes, it's working fine, except for an smtp server without the private
key and mutt doesn't recover from the START_TLS failure (and I haven't
found a way to disable tls yet).

> If yes, could that person post the configure settings used to
> compile mutt, and also the contents of the .muttrc file so
> I can compare that info with my mutt settings which still do not
> allow smtp to work?

./configure --prefix=...
  --enable-gpgme --enable-pop --enable-imap --enable-smtp --enable-hcache
  --with-sasl --with-ssl --enable-fcntl --disable-flock --with-gss
  --with-ncursesw --disable-domain --with-idn

set smtp_url=smtp://user@domain@smtp-server:25/

(The password is defined in my .netrc, using a patch I sent to the


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