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Re: "Compatible migration from Emacs/Mew to mutt...formats?

=- Meino Christian Cramer wrote on Fri 23.Feb'07 at  5:12:30 +0100 -=

> Since every email is stored as a sperate file, there should be
> no porblem to shut down fetchmail and exim for a moment, cat all
> emails into a "fake" /var/spool/mail/mccramer-file and reread
> the whole mail again.

Don't do that! Whatever you want to recover, it will work with a
normal file, too, don't touch your spool.
mbox basically looks like this:
------ QUOTE BEGIN ------
>From adr date


------- QUOTE END -------

If your files look like this (note no ':' after From), then you
can cat them together and simply use with mutt.

> The only "problem" (may be): How does mutt determine the time of
> the mail and the sequence of all mails?

mutt can sort by several different orders, incl. time from header
and unsorted (like you cat'ed them).

Don't forget to read the given links, and roam around a bit more.

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