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Re: "Compatible migration from Emacs/Mew to mutt...formats?

From: Rado S <regrado@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: "Compatible migration from Emacs/Mew to mutt...formats?
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:14:57 +0100

Hi Rado,

 thanks you for your reply !

 There is no "export" functionality implemented in my current mail

 Since every email is stored as a sperate file, there should be no
 porblem to shut down fetchmail and exim for a moment, cat all emails
 into a "fake" /var/spool/mail/mccramer-file and reread the whole mail

 The only "problem" (may be): How does mutt determine the time of the
 mail and the sequence of all mails? Does it read that from the mail
 header or does it use file timestamps (which would fail in this
 speciual case...) ?

 Keep hacking!

> =- Meino Christian Cramer wrote on Thu 22.Feb'07 at  5:26:56 +0100 -=
> >  Read mail from /var/spool/mail/mccramer
> >  Apply a set of regexp and depending of matching/not matching the
> >  mails are sorted into
> > 
> >  $HOME/Mail/<folder>/<one file per mail>
> > 
> >  "<folder>" depends on what regexp has matched
> > 
> >  "<one file per mail>" is a single file for each mail. In each
> >  separate folder all files are numbered from 1 upto <count of mails
> >  stored in this folder so far>.
> See mutt's http://WIKI.mutt.org/?MailConcept for which tools do
> what in the chain. Mutt won't auto-sort for you, you'll need ...
> >  My current mail processing scheme is as follows: 
> >  fetchmail->exim->spamassassin->exim->/var/spool/mail/mccramer
> ... to insert an MDA (like procmail) before your spool.
> >  I plan to setup fdm or procmail to read mails from
> >  /var/spool/mail/mccramer and sort them into $HOME/Mail/<folders>.
> Good. :)
> >  But! :)
> >  To not to loose Mail I copier $HOME/Mail to $HOME/Mailmutt and tried
> >  to convince mutt to read my mails already stored in the folders.
> >  No luck.
> See http://WIKI.mutt.org/?FolderFormat for which are OK with mutt.
> > I was said, that the mail format I use would be "Maildir". After
> > haveing no luck with this settings, I thought my mail format
> > would be "MH" ... but also no luck.
> The 1-file-per-mail sounds like maildir, but if you read up on it,
> you'll notice it organizes it differently than you do and what is
> required for a _correct_ maildir folder to be recognized.
> >  What initial setting do I need to read $HOME/Mailmutt/.... ?
> Mutt understands out of the box _correctly_ formatted folders of
> the 4 known types.
> >  The first step I need to get successfully working is to read this 
> >  mail format.
> As it is, mutt won't do it, you'll have to export that from your
> current mail system to one of mutt's known formats.
> Check your menus for some "export" feature.
> > If it is not possible to handle my old mails, I unfortunately
> > have to skip mutt, since I dont want to have Emacs/mew *and*
> > mutt installed just to be able to handle all my mail.
> Well ... at worst you could inspect what your files look like and
> examine whether they can be easily converted by a script if you
> don't have "export" already.
> -- 
> © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
> EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
> You're responsible for ALL of it: you get what you give.