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Re: How to tell if a maildir has mail in it?

On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 04:40:17PM +0100, Rado S wrote:
> =- Eur Ing Chris Green wrote on Tue 20.Feb'07 at 15:17:00 +0000 -=
> > > {...} but since it seems to be a reasonable request (at least
> > > two users asking for it) there is hope to see it implemented
> > > if we file it as a wish-list.
> > > 
> > OK, where's the wish-list, is it on the wiki?
> No, http://bugs.mutt.org/
> type = change-request
> But a WishList wiki-page might provide a better overview and review.
> Would anyone mind if we/I migrated all wish items from bugs to
> such a wiki-page?
Yes, definitely.  I have submitted a bug/request for maildir
count/size indication but the http://bugs.mutt.org/ system isn't very
friendly is it.  Apart from anything else it's difficult to tell if
something has already been requested.

Chris Green