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Re: MTA for Solaris - ideas anyone?

On Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 12:18:59PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 04:33:27PM +0000, Eur Ing Chris Green wrote:
> > Does anyone have any suggestions for a 'light' MTA that will actually
> > compile on Solaris 2.6.  I've tried the ones in the above list and
> I had good luck with the _original_ nbsmtp-0.8.tgz  (9,687 bytes).
> Unfortuately the project was taken over by someone else who put a
> bunch of unwanted features that made the code no longer portable.
> Anyway if you can find release 0.8, the following is tested:
> % gzip -dc /usr/local/tars/mutt/nbsmtp-0.8.tgz | tar xf -
> % gcc -O3 -o nbsmtp -lsocket -lnsl nbsmtp.c
> % strip nbsmtp
> % su
> # chown root:bin nbsmtp
> # chmod 555 nbsmtp

Chris Green