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Re: Add alias during session

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 06:18:40PM +0100, Rado S wrote:
> =- cricketc@xxxxxxxxx wrote on Tue  6.Feb'07 at  8:49:52 -0600 -=
> > Wouldn't it be good to have another <create-alias> that just
> > starts with everything blank, instead of making the user open a
> > blank folder or erase all the information?
> Of course everything that automates repeated operation is good, but
> you have to question: does it pay off to have this feature extra?
> How often do _you_ need it?
> How many people use it _like you_?
> Even though I remember that last _year_ 1-2 times I wanted to do that,
> that's too rare for my taste to put more code into mutt.
> For those exceptional cases I can live with editing the file or
> hitting ^U 2 times/alias.

The times I want to add an alias completely separate from a current
message are few and far between. For me, I wouldn't think adding a "new
blank alias" feature would be worth it.

However, one situation comes up fairly often... I want to add an alias
for someone in the message, but not who mutt thinks is the sender. This
happens on mailing lists, usually. When replying, mutt asks "Reply to
list@xxxxxxx ([yes]/no)?" or some such, and "no" gets me the real person
(rather than the list). With "a" to add an alias I get no such choice -
it always wants to add the list address. That's pretty much *never* what
I want.

Darrin Chandler                   |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx          |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/darrin/  |