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Re: HTML email, was Re: reading color quoted replies

=- Travis H. wrote on Thu  1.Feb'07 at 23:04:23 -0600 -=

> On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 03:59:51PM -0500, Marc Vaillant wrote:
> > This just isn't realistic. What sort of view of mutt do you
> > think an outlook user (potential mutt user) is going to get if
> > I tell them "Hey check out this great text based MUA that I
> > have... only thing is, you know that feature that everyone in
> > the office loves to use with their clients, well you have to
> > tell them not to use it."
> Disclaimer: I am a security enthusiast
> I would say your best angle is a security angle. {...}

... one part being the defensive things listed by Travis, but you
also shouldn't forget that some "outsiders" rate html-ized mails
as spammy, so at least the score increases or in the worst case
it's outright blocked unless white-listed.

If they don't want to change their mind just for you as collegue
to make you more efficient at work, those arguments should make
some responsible dudes think about it.
(min. 50% of my total spam is html-ized: when I explain this to
my partners, they understand and click their box. I haven't heard
any of them complain about having lost quality of life ;)

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