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Re: reading color quoted replies

=- Marc Vaillant wrote on Wed 31.Jan'07 at 11:13:25 -0500 -=

> > _You_ have several options:
> > 1) educate your eMail partners to quote mutt-friendly (txt-only).
> > 2) use autoview with a graphical browser => wiki FAQ.
> > 3) use autoview with a script that converts such (*censored*)
> > eMail to some sane usable format by converting the html/css
> > coloring instructions to '> ' sequences.
> > 
> > I recommend 1).
> I guess that I was looking for option 3. Some sort of extension
> for w3m (or another text based browser) that lets you do
> something reasonable when dumping html with FONT COLOR tags to
> text (other than just removing the tags).

I'm not aware of any existing txt-browser that does this.
When you find one, then tell me.
Otherwise you have to script yourself. I'd be interested even in
this (even if only to learn ;).

> Are you serious about option 1?

Why not?

Generally it's good to have visual aids.
However, the implementation varies, and I prefer a simple data
format that works even without a dedicated visual aids interpreter
(human readable): i.e. the way of aiding is not stored in the data
itself but left up to the reader (the original www idea).
 A tool can perform its beefing-up well enough on this simple/
raw data, too, as mutt and other MUAs show.

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