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Muttrc Attribution help

Hi all,

I'm setting up Mutt to work in an Outlook enviornment and I have a
question on setting the attribution parameter.

I would like my replies to look similar to Outlooks, like so:

-----Original Message-----
From: Sender's name
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 11:10AM
To: Recipient 1; Recipient 2 <recipient2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Recipient 3
Cc: Recipient 4; Internal Group 1
Subject: Subject line goes here

Currently, my attribution line looks like this:

set attribution="\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: %f\nSent:
%{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\nTo: %t\nSubject: %s \n"

Which semi-works.

The first problem is that it doesn't list any Cc: recipients.
The second problem is that the To: field looks like this:  To: To Recipient 1
The third problem is that it only lists the first recipient of the
original email.

Also, if this is possible, can we not include the <user@xxxxxxxxxx> in
there if the domain.com is my domain?

For example, if my domain is mydomain.com and someone else in the
reply is yourdomain.com, then I would like the To: attribution to look
like this:
To: Recipient 1; Recipient 2 <recipient2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This has been my biggest hurdle so far with moving from Outlook to
Mutt and if anyone can help I would be very greatful.

