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mutt called from script does not more work...


I have a script, which call mutt with

xterm -class XTerm-mutt -name mutt -geometry 80x30+250+200 -xrm \
*VT100*font6 -title mutt/tdnewmsg -n mutt -e bash -l -c mutt -F \
/home/michelle.konzack/.tdnewmsg/muttrc -f +.ATTENTION.FLT_cced/

But 'mutt' ignores since some weeks "-F" and read instaed
/home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/muttrc which is several times bigger
and requires arround 30-40 seconds to read.  Also the "-f" with
the Maildirfolder does not more work.

What can this be?

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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