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Re: Recommendations for mail server account?

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 12:56:17AM -0400, Carthik Sharma wrote:
> Would someone know of a cheaply obtainable shell account, or vps, or
> something that allows me to run fetchmail, procmail, mutt on a
> webserver of some sort? Something I can replace my
> home-desktop-mailserver?

Cheap is relative. A few suggestions:

* Panix (http://panix.net) has a great reputation. Not sure if they
allow cron jobs / fetchmail etc., and don't know if they're cheap enough
for you, but I think they might be your best bet if it's an option.

* My former employer (DreamHost) has been a little flaky lately, but
usually they're decent... they do hosting, and you can run mutt from
within your shell account there (you can also build your own version of
mutt if you like). I don't know if getmail / fetchmail are available out
of the box, but I know they'll compile properly, and they'll let you run
them, at least via cron. They have some pretty good deals where you can
pay almost nothing for your first year of hosting; it's ~ $10/mo beyond
that, w/ a free domain registration included if you want. There are
probably other webhosts who will let you do similar stuff.

* Pair (another webhost) has a good reputation, but don't know if
they'll allow this.

* There are also some outfits that specialize in shell hosting; don't
have a lot of experience there. I would suggest avoiding the ones that
do IRC shell hosting too.

* Maybe you can get a friend to give you a shell account somewhere. Heck
- probably someone on this list would.
