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Re: saving time/keystrokes when saving to specific mailbox

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On Monday, June 19 at 01:25 PM, quoth Arias Hung:
> One somewhat cumbersome/klunky aspect of saving to specific 
> mailboxes I have noticed is the necessity of typing out the entire 
> mailbox name after pushing the 's' key.  Often times, this also 
> involves backspacing to erase whatever mailbox it thinks you want to 
> save the message to based on whatever you have set as a general 
> save-hook based on the regex that it thinks you're using.

You don't have to backspace. If you type any character, the 
save-hook-suggestion will instantly vanish, to be replaced with what 
you've started to type.

> Two ideas come to mind as a possible workaround.  The first is if 
> there was a way to alias specific mailboxes to a letter so when I 
> hit 's' for save I could just use that letter to denote the box I 
> want to save to.

Search the mailing list archives, this has come up several times (most 
recently, in the past month of so). Basically, you're looking to use a 
macro (check the muttrc manpage for details on how to do that).

> The other is perhaps an embedded formula (if that's even possible) 


> or a script that would create a regex on the fly to be used with a 
> save-hook and saved to the configuration file every time you save a 
> message with an unrecognized regex.  So the script would create a 
> regex from the 'From' header for instance, and would append a line 
> like:
> save-hook  ~h  <regex>  <mailbox>
> to my 'hooks' file that I have sourced from my main rc file.
> That way any future messages from the same person would 
> automatically have the proper
> mailbox come up to save to when pressing 's' for save.

I haven't heard of one, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

- -- 
It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired.
                                                 -- Robert A. Heinlein
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
