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saving time/keystrokes when saving to specific mailbox

One somewhat cumbersome/klunky aspect of saving to specific mailboxes I have noticed is the necessity of typing out the entire mailbox name after pushing the 's' key. Often times, this also involves backspacing to erase whatever mailbox it thinks you want to save the message to based on whatever you have set
as a general save-hook based on the regex that it thinks you're using.

I was hoping that those of you that have figured out a workaround to expedite
this process might be kind enough to share your solution.

Two ideas come to mind as a possible workaround.  The first is if there was a
way to alias specific mailboxes to a letter so when I hit 's' for save I could
just use that letter to denote the box I want to save to.

The other is perhaps an embedded formula (if that's even possible) or a script that would create a regex on the fly to be used with a save-hook and saved to the configuration file every time you save a message with an unrecognized regex. So the script would
create a regex from the 'From' header for instance, and would append a line 

save-hook  ~h  <regex>  <mailbox>

to my 'hooks' file that I have sourced from my main rc file.

That way any future messages from the same person would automatically have the 
mailbox come up to save to when pressing 's' for save.

Anyone have any ideas on this or have a solution they'd be willing to share 
with the
rest of us would be greatly appreciated.



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