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Re: index_format and <bar> vs <space>, segment fault

On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 01:23:01PM +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
> > It is amazing that the chinese characters can also be displayed
> > correctly in mutt in this [LANG=en_US] case.
>     Wait a second: That should *not* work. Each Chinese character, being
> unconvertable from GBK to Latin-1, should be masked by 2 question marks.
> This probably means you didn't correct your setup as suggested in my
> previous mail (remove evil hardcoded $charset from muttrc).

It shouldn't work, but it could, under certain circumstances... though
I'm not quite sure _precisely_ what those are.  I experienced this
when I was first trying to get Korean support working...

I think what was going on in that case was that the mail was
incorrectly labeled as us-ascii (or possibly iso-8859-1), and mutt
dumped the characters to the terminal as-is, and it just so happened
that my terminal (at the time, hanterm) recognized certain "ascii"
character sequences as Korean characters (in EUC-KR encoding, which
was how the mail *should* have been labeled).  But that was a long
time ago, and I have long since switched to a UTF-8 setup, so really I
am just guessing.  ;-)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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