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Re: Frustrating mutt address problem

Am 2006-05-24 20:40:34, schrieb Seth Williamson:
> had written earlier with what I thought might be a problem in ssmtp
> and the way it relates to mutt.  Bottom line is that all mail is going
> to a single address, no matter what I put in the To: field in mutt.
> Either mutt or ssmtp is taking my username on my local box--which is
> seth--and my ISP's domain name--which is ntelos.net--and it sends
> every single e-mail to seth@xxxxxxxxxxx  Makes no difference what I
> actually put in the To: field in mutt.

If you have not read teh previously E-Mail


in the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf is your friend.

> Another possible oddity is that, when I see the e-mail envelope in
> mutt prior to sending, with the From: and To: fields, etc., the From:
> field is blank.  I had assumed it would show my e-mail address, which
> is orthodox@xxxxxxxxxxx

This is a config error in YOUR muttrc

> orthodox=postmaster
???  This shoud be root else it does not work
(I am working on the source of ssmtp).

and postmaser if you use ssmtp?
all messages would be send to


which is your ISP.  "postmaster should be your local name.

> mailhub=mail.ntelos.net


> rewriteDomain=ntelos.net

This is where your <seth@xxxxxxxxxx> come from.

        $LOCALUSER + rewriteDomain

> hostname=orthobox
I have had several times problems whin NON-FQDN.

> FromLineOverride=YES


> My computer's name is orthobox.  Not sure if that's what's supposed to
> go in the hostname= line in the config file above but that's what I
> put.

Try a FQDN

> I can't figure out where either mutt or ssmtp is getting the username
> for my user account on my box here.  That username is seth, and it's
> sending all mail to seth [at] ntelos.net.  Very frustrating situation.

See my explanation above

> I hope I will learn something from this and not keep beating my head
> against a stone wall.  I have changed most options that looked likely
> over and over and can't seem to fix this problem.  I am beginning to
> think it might not be an ssmtp problem, but I don't know for sure.

You have a config problem...

> Seth Williamson
> Slings Gap
> Franklin County, VA

    Michelle Konzack

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