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Re: PuTTY charsets (was: Web frontend?)

 On Friday, May 5, 2006 at 20:19:32 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:

> Damn you Alain. You would ask for details and probably have me
> demonstrate that it's just a PEBKAC. :)

    Could look promising, but I'm never happy before I can shout
an humiliating « RTFM! ». ;-)

> the thread tree isn't displayed correctly

    The precise way it fails may help pointing to the cause. Could you
please describe the non-correctness?

> In putty's Translation settings, I've tried Latin-1 (the default),
> Latin-9, UTF-8, and Use font encoding settings.

    ACS should work in all those charsets (better avoid the unsure "Use
font encoding"), with just a specificity in the way it's done in UTF-8.
Specificity that should *normally* be transparent to the user though...

> I'm not sure which [fonts], if any, include the proper glyphs to do
> the line drawing.

    Most if not all, AFAICS. "Lucida Console 1.60" for sure. The default
"Courier New" also.

    OK: ACS should just work, out of the box, in mostly default
settings. Let's checklist a working setup and what can have an

    PuTTY full defaults but the auto-exported TERM:

 · Font "Courier New", default.
 · Translation "ISO-8859-1", default.
 · "Use Unicode line drawing code points", default.
 · Connection -> Data -> Terminal-type string: "putty".

    Accessing the home machine:

 · printf "\033(B\033)0\016tnu\017" gives TV-antenna-like lines?
 · Ncurses version and date (tic -V)?
 · TERM=putty?
 · export LANG=en_US, everything else not set.

    In Mutt verify:

 · :set ?charset        ==> iso-8859-1
 · :set ?ascii_chars    ahum, sorry ;-)

    If it works, then do the same with translation "UTF-8", and
LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Verify $charset took "utf-8" automagically. Do
printf "\xE2\x94\x9C\xE2\x94\xBC\xE2\x94\xA4" for the TV antenna.
Optionally upgrade to latest Ncurses and use TERM=putty-256color

Bye!    Alain.
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