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tagging and replying

Hi Mutters,

Well, I noticed something odd while using mutt recently.  What I am
trying to do is this : 

Tagged two messages both of which are addressed to my alternate
(gmail) id and replied to them.  But the reply message shows my
default address in the "From" field and not the alternate one.
However, if I reply to each message separately, things work as

Of course, if I tag two messages which are addressed to two different
id's, I expect mutt to choose only one of them (probably the default
one).  But in my case, both messages are addressed to my alternate id

Can anyone explain this apparent inconsistency?

Anindya Sen.

A few lines from my muttrc :

set realname = "Anindya Sen"
set hostname = "atc.tcs.co.in"
set reverse_alias 
set reverse_name
alternates "anindyas@xxxxxxxxx"