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Re: autoencrypt

On Friday, April  7 at 10:55 PM, quoth markus reichelt:
* James <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When I set pgp_autoencrypt, mutt tries to encrypt messages to recipients for whom I don't have keys. Is there a function that tells mutt "encrypt for this person if a key is available but otherwise send cleartext"?

i've a similar problem. when i write to several ppl (To:/Cc:
combinations don't matter) and for some ppl i have their gpg keys and i choose sign+encrypt basically the same things happens you described. i asked on this mailinglist and mutt-ng's (when i was still using it) and got no reply at all.

For the situation you describe, I think you may be somewhat out of luck. Essentially, that would require mutt to send two messages when you compose a message: one message in clear text to all the people for whom you do not have pgp keys, and one message signed and encrypted to all the people for whom you do have pgp keys. Without a really pretty hefty patch, I don’t think mutt is up for generating multiple, different emails from the same email.

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                                          -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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