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screen + mutt + emacs

Thanks to all who helped me sort this out.  My current setup
integrates mutt, screen and emacs very nicely.

My .screenrc includes:

screen -t mutt 1 mutt
screen -t emacs 2 emacs -nw

In .muttrc, my editor is now set as:

set editor="screen -X select 2; emacsclient %s" # use emacs

In .emacs, I added:
;; mutt setup
(defun end-mail () 
  (shell-command "screen -X select 1"))
(defun my-mutt-mode ()
  "Customized mutt mode"
  (local-set-key "\C-xm" 'end-mail))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("/tmp/mutt*" . my-mutt-mode) auto-mode-alist))

Now, when I edit mail in mutt, screen switches to emacs, loads text
mode, and turns on auto-fill.  I can edit the file there.  When I'm
done editing, C-x m ends the editing session and switches back to

Thanks again for the help and I hope the above is useful.