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Re: Problem with IMAP folder browsing

Looks like I have some idea of where to look now. Seems that my version
of mutt was compiled with debugging enabled. Using 'mutt -d 10' I got
the following in the log...

/* snip */
imap_browse: mbox: Lists
> a0073 LIST "" "Lists"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/Cryptogram"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/Freshmeat"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/GNessus"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/LinuxFS"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/LinuxKernel"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/Mutt"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/Oculan"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/Security"
< * LIST () "/" "Lists/XenSource"
< a0073 OK LIST completed
imap_init_browse: adding parent Lists////////
imap_browse: Quoting mailbox scan: Lists////////// -> "Lists//////////%"
> a0074 LIST "" "Lists//////////%"
< a0074 OK LIST completed
/* snip */

Notice the imap_init_browse() is what *appears* to be incorrect.


Kyle Wheeler [kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] wrote on Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 
02:25:32PM -0500:
> On Wednesday, January  4 at 01:12 PM, quoth Brian Weaver:
> >I get the root folder OK, but when I select a sub folder with the
> ><enter> key all that shows up is '/..' as the sole entry. I've changed
> >the file mask to '.' but no such luck. If I hit <enter> while the '/..'
> >entry is highlighted then the folder changes to something like:
> >
> > 'Lists/////////'
> The problem you're running into is one that I've noticed. It's a result 
> of Mutt depending on the CHILDREN IMAP extension to determine whether a 
> folder has sub-folders or not. I'm guessing that dbmail doesn't support 
> the CHILDREN extension? If you use <space> instead of <enter> when 
> selecting a folder, you'll see it's contents (it's the "view-file" 
> binding).
> ~Kyle
> -- 
> Science is what we can tell a computer. Art is everything else.
>                                                                -- Knuth

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