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Re: Problem with IMAP folder browsing

I think I tracked down the source of my problem, but I'm having one heck
of a time trying to rebuild as a debian package. I'm not sure what
options were passed to configure and I was trying to avoid a make
install that would clobber existing files under package control on my
debian system.

Is there any developer on the list that could let me know if this patch
seems reasonable. I'm going to continue to see if I can get it built
correctly so I can test. I'd just like a second set of eyes to let me
know if I'm barking up the wrong tree.



diff -urN mutt-1.5.9/imap/browse.c mutt-1.5.9-fixed/imap/browse.c
--- mutt-1.5.9/imap/browse.c    2005-02-19 08:49:49.000000000 -0500
+++ mutt-1.5.9-fixed/imap/browse.c      2006-01-06 11:38:55.203109937 -0500
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@
           if (!noinferiors && cur_folder[0] &&
             (n = strlen (mbox)) < LONG_STRING-1)
-            mbox[n++] = idata->delim;
+            if(mbox[n-1] != idata->delim)
+              mbox[n++] = idata->delim;
             mbox[n] = '\0';

The patch is suppose to avoid adding all the extra '/' (idata->delim)
characters when not necessary.

Brian Weaver [brianweaver@xxxxxxxxx] wrote on Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 05:23:38PM 
> Looks like I have some idea of where to look now. Seems that my version
> of mutt was compiled with debugging enabled. Using 'mutt -d 10' I got
> the following in the log...
> /* snip */
> imap_browse: mbox: Lists
> > a0073 LIST "" "Lists"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/Cryptogram"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/Freshmeat"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/GNessus"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/LinuxFS"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/LinuxKernel"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/Mutt"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/Oculan"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/Security"
> < * LIST () "/" "Lists/XenSource"
> < a0073 OK LIST completed
> imap_init_browse: adding parent Lists////////
> imap_browse: Quoting mailbox scan: Lists////////// -> "Lists//////////%"
> > a0074 LIST "" "Lists//////////%"
> < a0074 OK LIST completed
> /* snip */
> Notice the imap_init_browse() is what *appears* to be incorrect.
> -Brian
> Kyle Wheeler [kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] wrote on Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 
> 02:25:32PM -0500:
> > On Wednesday, January  4 at 01:12 PM, quoth Brian Weaver:
> > >I get the root folder OK, but when I select a sub folder with the
> > ><enter> key all that shows up is '/..' as the sole entry. I've changed
> > >the file mask to '.' but no such luck. If I hit <enter> while the '/..'
> > >entry is highlighted then the folder changes to something like:
> > >
> > > 'Lists/////////'
> > 
> > The problem you're running into is one that I've noticed. It's a result 
> > of Mutt depending on the CHILDREN IMAP extension to determine whether a 
> > folder has sub-folders or not. I'm guessing that dbmail doesn't support 
> > the CHILDREN extension? If you use <space> instead of <enter> when 
> > selecting a folder, you'll see it's contents (it's the "view-file" 
> > binding).
> > 
> > ~Kyle
> > -- 
> > Science is what we can tell a computer. Art is everything else.
> >                                                                -- Knuth

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