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Re: Mutt 1.5.9i never detecting new mail

Michael Tatge escribe:
> You didn't really answere that question. Check if the fs is maybe
> mounted with noatime or via NFS.
> In any case - switching to Maildir formart should solves new mail
> dection issues.

Thanks. Now things start making sense. Quoted from:


> Finally found the solution to this one.  Thought I'd post in case anyone
> else is still interested.  It's to do with the way Mutt checks for new
> mail.  Mutt compares the access time with the modification time and if
> the latter is later, there must be new mail.

> Unfortunately, the default on Mandrake with ext3 is to not use atimes.
> Edit /etc/fstab and remove "noatime" from the filesystem with your mail
> folders on and Bob's your uncle, problem gone (after a reboot).

So, if I take a mbox and touch -m it, indeed Mutt marks it as if
having new mail. And quoting:


> If that process modifies atime and or mtime mutt can't tell whether a
> mbox has new mail unless compiled with --enable-buffy-size.
> Default new mail detection with mbox uses that atime differs from mtime.

So if atime is equal to mtime no new mail is detected, and this can be
seen as a problem, as I can't make procmail easily modify only mtime
of mboxes it delivers mail to.

As I don't like much the idea of recompiling with --enable-buffy-size,
maybe I'll give a try to maildirs.

Cordially, Ismael
Dropping science like when Galileo dropped his orange